NoMIS Power awarded ARPA-E SEED SBIR Phase I & II

April 25, 2021

NoMIS Power announced that it was awarded $498,000 in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The funding will be used to develop silicon carbide (SiC)–based power modules for power electronic applications that will deliver a step-change in efficiency and reliability to support the global energy transition. Objectives involve developing 6.5 kV, 100 A half-bridge power modules with low inductance, low thermal impedance, and current balancing between parallel SiC power semiconductor chips. The team, which also includes researchers from The Ohio State University, is hopeful that when translating the developed power module technology to volume production, that the power module cost will approach cost-parity with similarly rated IGBT power modules.