NoMIS Power Selected for American-Made Solar Prize

December 4, 2020

December 4, 2020, Albany, NY — NoMIS Power was notified that its entry to the American-Made Solar Prize Round 4 Ready! Contest has been selected to advance to the Set! Contest and will receive a $50,000 cash prize for its project titled “Harnessing the Sun Using Medium Voltage SiC Power Semiconductor Devices.”

The goal of the project is to enable a direct connection of PV solar to the distribution grid via solid-state transformers for behind-the-meter customers, by supplying the market with medium-voltage SiC power semiconductor devices that are currently unavailable to create 21st century PV systems.

NoMIS is one of 20 semifinalist teams that were formally announced today by the U.S. Department of Energy.

The American-Made Solar Prize is a three-contest series with up to $3 million in cash prizes designed to accelerate and sustain solar innovation by supporting entrepreneurs as they develop transformative technology ideas into concepts and then into early-stage prototypes ready for industry testing.